
How To Use High-Speed Cameras In Wind Tunnel Testing

Three key points must be considered when planning a wind tunnel test to ensure efficiency and accuracy: application type, lighting concerns, and data management.

Which high-speed camera is required for an experiment is heavily influenced by the combination of testing environment and application type. The number of frames per second is affected by the field of view requirements and movement speed, while the event size and depth-of-field determine whether a 1 or 4 Megapixel (Mpx) camera is required. Wind tunnels can be as small as a container on a laboratory countertop or as large as an entire facility automobile and aeroplane.

When a large area of visibility is required with more detail, a camera with a high field of view in 4K resolution, such as the Phantom Flex 4K, may be ideal.

Lighting concerns must be carefully considered during wind tunnel testing. A wind tunnel is a completely black space designed to absorb light and prevent data distortion caused by shadows and reflections. This means that getting enough light into the structure may be more difficult. It also implies that the required amount of light can heat the environment, affecting how a flow behaves significantly.

Researchers must understand the impact of air temperature on an event because some flow materials are more easily affected by heat fluctuations. If the air temperature is an issue, special rigging may be required to help filter the heat generated. To lessen the impact, consider using camera signaling and timing features that only illuminate specific areas for a short period.

A high-speed camera with high sensitivity, such as the Phantom T1340, is required for wind tunnel testing. Because the sensor is more sensitive, less light is needed, requiring fewer temperature concerns, fewer facility modifications, and possibly less airflow disruption.

Wind turbine testing procedures

Before using a wind turbine, project developers, energy regulators, and financiers must be confident in its dependability. As a result, turbine manufacturers must show that their turbines perform as expected in all conditions. Independent type testing provides reassurance and credibility by confirming that your turbine meets applicable international standards.

DNV conducts efficient and effective wind turbine type testing. We will walk you through the testing process and help you understand your turbine’s performance. Furthermore, we provide you with the ability to validate your performance models using rigorous turbine measurements. This provides peace of mind to you and all stakeholders, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)

We provide assistance throughout the type testing lifecycle, from mast installation to final report.

Among our type testing services are the following:

  • Load calculations
  • Acoustic evaluations
  • Measurements of power quality
  • Measuring power performance
  • UVRT (under-voltage ride through) measurements.


Aerospace testing is essential when manufacturing any unique wind power plant. This also assists you to determine how this technology works and how you can improve it in case of new developments. When you consider the above information, you will be ahead of all your competitors and have more clients.

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